Tuesday, November 4, 2008

6 month appointment

Collin got to see Dr. Dunlap today... He is now 16 pounds 7.5 ounces- 30% and is 26 1/4 inch long- 45%. Dr. Dunlap says he's doing really well. Collin was so happy that he almost peed on the doctor... but instead, peed on himself. He also found the crinkly white table paper so fascinating that he ripped it all up.
and BAM. 4 shots today- the regular vaccinations and a flu shot. He has to return in 1 month to get the other half of the flu shot. then no more shots until 12 months. YAY!

at least he gets cute little bandaids.


Jessica November 5, 2008 at 1:47 PM  

Wow! Can't wait till Peyton gets that big! Peyton is halfway there...hehe. Hope those shots didn't hurt too much, Collin!

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