Wednesday, July 7, 2010

35 weeks 6 days

baby sister is definitely getting bigger. At today's appointment, she measured to be 7 pounds and 5 ounces and they say give or take half to 1 pound. They take measurements from the head circumference, the stomach and the femur (leg bone). The sonogram tech said that her head is pretty big and is what is kinda throwing off the measurements. anyhow, they said she definitely has no problem in the growth department.

Baby sister moves around a lot. She is usually super active around lunch time and before I go to bed. I can feel her joints rubbing against me in the belly. It's very weird and creepy but yet so amazing. I don't remember Collin moving around this much. He was pretty lazy in the belly. I'm not having too many contractions or any pain so looks like she will stay comfortably in there. We have scheduled the induction to be on the 29th as per the recommendation of the for now..looks like she'll be in there until then. Collin still doesn't really understand that there is a new baby headed his way. He knows the term baby sister...and will kiss my belly from time to time...but then again...he'll point to his belly and say baby sister as well. so who knows.

here are some images from today's sono. She decided to cooperate today!


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