2 yr check up
On Collin's birthday, he had has 2 year check up. Everything is checking out great and surprisingly, he doesn't mind the doctor's office. He sat perfectly still when they did the eye exam and lets Dr. Dunlap do all the poking and prodding he needs to. He got a vaccine shot today and didn't even cry. AMAZING! We were expecting a LOT more from Collin but he was extremely calm. Then they had to draw some blood from his finger. They had to prick it with a lancet and just squeeze drops of blood into a tiny tube. He sat still and didnt cry for that. Caohien and I were totally in shock at how good he was.
Here are his latest.
Weight: 24.8 pounds. (15%) Doc says to keep him on whole milk.
Length: 34 inches (40%) almost 3 feet- future basketball star.
Head: 19 1/4 (55%) average head but super smart. =)
After the appointment, Collin enjoyed dinner and ice cream. Check out his little band aid on his finger. He thought it was a special sticker and was extra careful with it.
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